Anyone seen this kid on Rock It

All I see is a super unstable ride and a kid that got super lucky to not get fully worked.
Pretty much every one of my trips down Rock It!!!

Except one:
Airlift Rock It (b).jpg
Pretty much every one of my trips down Rock It!!!

Except one:
View attachment 89565

Yeah, I remember that one. :alien:
It was your fortuitously convenient excuse to leave me alone at the mercy of a crew of climbing geniuses on SART. :laugh::cautious: None of whom were on anything close to an enduro. :facepalm:

Jokes aside ... kinda wondering what the parents liability would be if that kid broke his neck. Seems too young to sending it on that trail.

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Yeah, I remember that one. :alien:
It was your fortuitously convenient excuse to leave me alone at the mercy of a crew of climbing geniuses on SART. :laugh::cautious: None of whom were on anything close to an enduro. :facepalm:
I've never ridden SART, so I have no idea what you are referring to...

Or - did I commit to a ride that I had to subsequently abandon due to said injury? i don't recall that.
Interesting how there is more negativity toward the parent, than positivity towards the kid for doing something he obviously loves doing.
I'm with you on this. Typical social media behavior. Someone has harmless fun and posts about it. Everyone jumps in with the moral high ground at how they are putting someone in danger, teaching bad behavior, killing baby seals or preaching critical race theory.

Lighten up people!
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