Who's Riding Where???

It's really worth checking out – especially with a guide! A great flavor of riding all its own. Ocean view on a few trails; you can even connect with the beach in one spot. Cooler than CNF. :thumbsup:

I agree... I love getting down there once or twice per year. Nothing like the ocean breeze while riding... And even if @Runs with Scissors avoids the trails that @herzalot lists, you can still get a good XC type workout. I've done most of the list, but probably wouldn't ride them alone. I might even dust off that squishy thing in the garage. :eek:

As for today, I'll be in the Santa Anas. Somewhere.:thumbsup:
I'm tour-guiding a friend through Aliso around 11:30am today. High temp of 76° predicted, so it should be OK. Nothing particularly steep or chunky on the menu. Expected trails include Lynx, Rock-It and Meadows. I will try to convince him to try 5-Oaks, but for some reason, although Scott's a better bike handler than I, and he's on a bitchin' Bronson built for bombing, he is reluctant to ride that trail.
My other option is road bike. GMR and East Fork, plus points north. Can you say Critter Creek and Crystal Lake? I'm not sure I can...
OR you can come ride Strawberry tomorrow and put a fresh skid mark in your shorts...

Today we tested out the new Dripping Springs single track in Limestone Canyon, we loved it! Pretty much all volunteer work, super smooth (so dont expect Car Wreck), super fun :thumbsup:

Up Hicks Haul road for easy climb, then harder climb up to East Loma, left turn then immediate right into the new Dripping Springs single track, out to the new lookout over the Sinks, then back via the Limestone Ridge single track (flowy single track, nice and bumpy)



I'm sure y'all noticed the forecast cooler temps through the weekend, including "patchy drizzle" Sunday. Looks like prime conditions for something whacky in CNF...

The Weasel is unavailable, so, I have a haul pass. Hoping for some spice a la Joplin, Yeager, Bell, Los Pinos. Anybody up for some good clean fun like that, let's hit it. 12-miles or larger, no all-day epic. These cool weekends will be few and far between soon enough... Post here or hit me on PM.
Anyone up for San Juan? Climb to cocktail and back. OR, go full shuttle mode. Either day works for me. I don't know it well enough to go solo mission.
Anyone up for San Juan? Climb to cocktail and back. OR, go full shuttle mode. Either day works for me. I don't know it well enough to go solo mission.
Hey @Redman, if youre still on this and want a climbing partner I'll be at the TH in the AM heading to Bluejay for Los P. Ridge. White/orange POC helmet, black bike. Not that you need or want a climbing partner, but I would be rude to not say hello at least if you're there.

And it goes without saying that if any hardy soul wants to join, s/he can shoot me a meet time. So I won't mention it. :speechless::cool:
Golden Eagle tomorrow at 8:30

Was gonna ride McGill/Pinos but it's going to be infested with shuttle monkeys

:mad: I'm bummed I can't make this!!! Dang head cold, messed up fork, and messed up dropper post! :mad:


I NEED TO RIDE after 8 days off the bike. o_O

Gonna stay close to home and attempt (on the orange bike) to combine Cherry/GSC/Beaudry/La Tuna lookout/Whiting Woods today. Can call the wife to rescue me if need be.