Fabric Scoop


So I'm stopping by the product review forums after re-reading my "ass rash / archipelago RR" from last year.

I had picked up a Fabric scoop demo as recommended by my LBS. Spent several rides trying it out as they let me have it for a long time. I have to say the comfort level is good. My only complaint is the well, lack of "fabric" that it is made of. The surface has rubbery texture to it and when wet would make a really funny squeek noise any time I moved around on it. Now I'm not talking a little bit of noise, this was to the point I actually would laugh about it while riding. Any amount of sweat would make it happen and a ride in the rain created a ridiculous squeek, squeek, squeek. I usually ride with a club ride shorts liner and this is the only seat I get this noise from. It gets that sticky / squeeky / rubbing chirp type noise from any movement.

I know a lot of people like these seats, I wonder if they have the same experience. For me, I had to return the demo and say no thanks.

I don't have the same squeak issue with the production saddle.

Feels above average to me. If I really load my pack with a lot of stuff and get tired/lazy and stop carrying my upper body weight, it squishes the foam to the shell like any other foam padded saddle, but I liked it. Has padding that is a little softer than a Fizik Tundra, but has a thicker amount of it. I find the amount of padding in the nose area to be above average, which is great when my elbows are dropped and I'm really pushing with the quads.