As fast as you can might not be as fast as you can...

Like the narrating. Riding with Redwoods!
Thanks! Thought I'd try something different.

Cool vid @redwoods
This channel is good, others I've watched blow right through hikers? Like how you point out bells are for hiker awareness, and necessarily don't mean we have the right of way:thumbsup:
Thanks! I'll be honest, I'm guilty of wishing (and sometimes pretending) there weren't any hikers so I could bomb down as fast as my meager talent would allow. And, I really dislike the noise of the bell. But the pros of using a bell far outweigh the cons, at least on trails like these where there's a lot of traffic.
Cool vid @redwoods
This channel is good, others I've watched blow right through hikers? Like how you point out bells are for hiker awareness, and necessarily don't mean we have the right of way:thumbsup:

That jackass YouTuber from the OC who screams "BIKE, BIKE, BIKE COMING THROUGH!" from the top of the trail to the bottom should be tied to a chair and made to watch Pat's behavior...
That jackass YouTuber from the OC who screams "BIKE, BIKE, BIKE COMING THROUGH!" from the top of the trail to the bottom should be tied to a chair and made to watch Pat's behavior...
I think I've seen part of one of his vids...or at least someone who was doing that in his video. I stopped watching because, well, to be honest I became simultaneously bored and bothered by what I was seeing/hearing. (EDIT: Cue introspection and self-doubt about my own videos. :laugh: )
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