14 price point 27.5” tubes - free


Well-Known Member
14 tubes, presta, brand new in the boxes. Come and get em.


how you hangin’ @kazlx? Still retired?

Thanks for dropping by, Joe.

Hoping your injury has mended well and you’re living fully.

Thanks guys. Back at work fully and going pretty well. I’m basically back to normal. A little limited mobility in my neck but nothing that would keep me from doing anything. I do want to get back on a back. Camped with my family and Vail Lake and it was tough watching all the riders and walking some of the trails. Plus I want to get out with my kids. Also been staying busy with machining. All things considered pretty grateful for how it’s work out. Just take it one day at a time and try to enjoy every day. Even the mundane ones have a bit more meaning lately.