Wrightwood… Wait? What? (Postponed)


Admin/iMTB Hooligan
Ride Name: Wrightwood… Wait? What?
When: August 17th 2024
Time: 9:30am
Where: Jackson Lake Parking Lot
Ride Description or Details:
Yeah, you’re reading this correctly. I’m putting out a Trail invite.Driving to California for some personal business during the week and bringing my Hightower. So everyone jump on and say hail yes, so you can bail as we get closer to the date. This even includes YOU Clint! :Roflmao:) I wanna touch that new Hightower of yours.
~~~~~ Optional Details ~~~~~
Meet Location:
Jackson Lake parking lot.
Skill Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Ride Pace: Social Cruise
Type of Ride: Loop
Rider Limit: No rider limit
Anticipated Mileage: Low mileage probably based on previous social rides
Elevation Gain: I’ll get back to you on that
Ride Duration: I’ll get back to you on that
Previous Ride Reports: I’ll get back to you on that
Possible Bail-Outs: Yeah, just turn around, but it’s too late after we drop Leprechaun!
Facilities: US Forestry Out Houses
Food/water suggestions: Water Spigot at the parking lot.
More importantly, there are options of making Sammie’s and beer in the parking lot like last time or hitting up burgers and beer in Wrightwood.

Option to Upload:
This was our last Social Ride in Wrightwood. I would be very willing to do more…although the altitude will be kicking my Arkansas azz!
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Hmm, maybe. That looks like it conflicts with a Bommer Canyon open access day, and we all know how much I love those. Maybe if Chris drive me again. Although now that I think about it ... maybe I should drive myself since I can actually see. :whistling:
I'm missing this month's open access by a day and half. Lookit Mikie the Manifester of Summer TH Parties @Wrightwood! www.iMTBtrailsGroupRidesAnnuallyImIn.com for now.
Well sh!t I wish I would've known this two days ago... Yesterday I bought a plane ticket and booked a room to go visit a customer in Colorado on the 16th. I was supposed to go a couple months ago but he had to cancel on me so maybe he won't be too pissed if I reschedule.
My “Like” is NOT a like. Just acknowledgement. Your turn to cancel on him. Customers are way over rated. :gotnothing:
I'm in. And I'll see what happens if we put @Danimal and @Obsidian in the same car with me! Hijinks will ensue! :eek:

That is if I am cleared to ride by then, and have at least two similar sized rides under my belt beforehand.

It is 12 miles and 2K. That is not even one Whiting/Luge lap. :rolleyes:

You'll be fine. :whistling:

Mr Magoo :confused: behind the wheel doesn't instill comfort for Mt driving......but then I used to ride in cars before seatbelts were a thing so there is that.

Good point. My scariest ride was a Kernville shuttle with an 81 year old at the wheel and sheer drops on one side the entire way up. One old man heart attack away from death. :gag:
I have very frustrating news.
My shoulder is giving me grief and so I have arranged some doc appointments to see if I can get it resolved.
I have rescheduled to come out to California the last week of September.

I apologize for the postponement but I got to get this solved.
Plus, I would like to be out there when the heat is a bit lower.

I have very frustrating news.
My shoulder is giving me grief and so I have arranged some doc appointments to see if I can get it resolved.
I have rescheduled to come out to California the last week of September.

I apologize for the postponement but I got to get this solved.
Plus, I would like to be out there when the heat is a bit lower.

Better to have you at 90% + .
I have very frustrating news.
My shoulder is giving me grief and so I have arranged some doc appointments to see if I can get it resolved.
I have rescheduled to come out to California the last week of September.

I apologize for the postponement but I got to get this solved.
Plus, I would like to be out there when the heat is a bit lower.

I was hoping you'd come out in August to beat the heat and take pictures of your friends in lingerie.