Thule Square Rack Parts


iMTB Hooligan
Snowboard carrier, short tray bike mounts, wheel carriers, mounts for cars with rain gutters, and fixed mounts like you would screw onto a pickup shell. I have a potential home for the gutter mounts but happy to send your way if you need them! Free/beer.


GREAT! They were never used... so glad you can take them!

Sierra Nevada/Pizza Port Chronic/Fat Tire/Deschutes - something basic and not overly hoppy.

Are you able to pick up? I can ship if a hassle. LMK!

If you’re local to OC, I can meet up with you. Let me know when and where and I’ll have some beers for ya! Thanks!
Snowboard carrier is claimed, pending delivery! If nobody really wants the gutter mounts, I know a guy with a bug that could use them. That leaves just the short tray mounts... free!