Reminder about imtbtrails Club Forums...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mikie, Oct 10, 2014.

As a former Amazon Associate I continue to get screwed trying to stay qualified as an Amazon Affiliate. So I quit!

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  1. Mikie

    Mikie Admin/iMTB Hooligan

    NW Arkansas
    Mikie Watson
    Current Bike:
    Ibis DV9 / SC Hightower
    There is a lot of new people on imtbtrails as of late and I want to remind everyone that there is the ability to have your own Club/Group Forum on imtbtrails.

    How this works:
    1) Contact the Administrator (me) and let me know you want to start a Club Forum.
    2) Give me a name for the Club and I will create the Forum for it.
    3) Give me a list of imtbtrails members (I need their screen names) to have permission to access the Club Forum.
    4) Designate the Forum Moderator (I need the screen name for that as well...)
    5) The only way that people will know about your Forum is if you invite them to become members and they get access to your Forum.

    Your Club Forum will not be visible to Guests or other imtbtrails Members.


As a former Amazon Associate I continue to get screwed trying to stay qualified as an Amazon Affiliate. So I quit!

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