
Newbie with Hope!
Who follows the league-
Favorite teams-
$hit talk-

Newton is a fluke, Sanchez is doing better than ever and Manning will not win a Superbowl, Ever = )

Go Patriots....
You did not specify which Manning. Eli - he's got his and he should be happy with that.
Peyton can do it but he chokes when he plays his nemesis teams (Patriots, Colts, Seahawks).
First team preference is the Saints (I grew up watching Archie) but I like the teams that play like a TEAM, not a one person show (CAM NEWTON, KAPERNICK).
Predictions - your Patriots are playing strong now that Gronk is back but it's a crap shoot who will make it to the SB.
And whoever does, I don't care as long as my pool numbers come up each quarter.
Pats fan here, although my runner up teams are: 49ers and Broncos.

Can't stand Steelers or Raiders, however that game they played against the Chiefs was awesome... I'll give them that!!
I have a few teams that I'm fond of, but the Green Bay Packers are my favorite. Respect that they are the only non-profit, community owned team in pro sports, in by far the smallest market. No gazilionair messing with the coaching and who to play each week on a whim. Lots of history and great players, past and present. I've got some of my own cash on a superbowl win this year for the Pack (only team out of the NFC that I think can do it).

H2Ochick, I also grew up following Archie and the Saints! (did some time in nola as teen). Had quite a few friends with ties to the club (coaches, ballboys, etc). Still love to see them do well, but not so much this year. Fingers still crossed.

The Pats are like a machine, respect for that, but still cold hard machine. BB makes the most of his misfits and castoffs for sure. But for some reason I just get cold watching this team, not a big fan, no offense to Pats lovers, they are good.

I'd love to see the Broncos or even Indy beat the Pats to get to the superbowl, hope it happens, have little confidence it will.

SB projection: Pats vs Pack, Pack win by 3 points
All 3 of my teams lost on Sunday- Steelers, Ravens and Patriots. Theory behind Pats loosing, they were lazy. They have a good running game and Gronk.

Not sure what happen to 9ers. Close game tonight- Dolphins and Jets. Either team will get far anyway. Saints, Falcons, Cowgirls can pack it up.

We will see about GB = )
I’m a KC Chiefs fan.
Probably because my mom is in love with Patrick Mahome. I think she thinks they are dating. Plus Travis Kelce is now dating Taylor Swift. :gotnothing: She will ruin him.

But seriously, I’m a KC fan. Have been for several years now. Go Chiefs!
The Pack is back.....just a little short:mad:. Purdy in a flow state on the winning drive, 9ers looking strong!
Today.... Go Bills!!
I was all in for the Packers, can’t stand San Francisco. That was a bummer…

However.. No power in the Verse can beat my 2nd Half Chiefs. First half is just “warm up” for Kansas City!
Now it’s time to cook some bird. Quote the Ravens, never more….;)
I was all in for the Packers, can’t stand San Francisco. That was a bummer…

However.. No power in the Verse can beat my 2nd Half Chiefs. First half is just “warm up” for Kansas City!
Now it’s time to cook some bird. Quote the Ravens, never more….;)
Ravens defense is no joke!! Should be a battle with the Chiefs.
Poor Bills, another "wide right" field goal attempt reminiscent of the 90's Bills super bowl defeat!
Ravens defense is no joke!! Should be a battle with the Chiefs.
Poor Bills, another "wide right" field goal attempt reminiscent of the 90's Bills super bowl defeat!
The Bills kicked the Chiefs defense to the dirt last night. That touch-back was weird. And one of Travis’s touchdowns I thought was iffy at best. But it was a good game.

I have not seen a Ravens game this year but I hear they are the team to beat…:unsure: