More Acton vid action

Discussion in 'Videos' started by scottay, Dec 5, 2015.

As a former Amazon Associate I continue to get screwed trying to stay qualified as an Amazon Affiliate. So I quit!

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  1. scottay

    scottay Well-Known Member

    Gods Country
    This is a different trail off the top, still rocky but a lil more Hill^Billy flow and a lil more penalty for failure.
    This is more compressed, so less details of the awesome day. And still shaky/bumpy, so small window probably works better.

    BeckTrex, scan, herzalot and 6 others like this.
  2. Voodoo Tom

    Voodoo Tom MTB Addict

    Tom Kokkinakis
    Current Bike:
    Mango one, black one, Ti one
    hill^billy has to stop holding out on his private reserve stuff. I wanna ride some of that stuff...
    UPSed and Luis like this.

As a former Amazon Associate I continue to get screwed trying to stay qualified as an Amazon Affiliate. So I quit!

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