JPL to Inspiration Point to Sunset Trail to...

Discussion in 'Trailhead' started by DangerDirtyD, Jun 3, 2016.

As a former Amazon Associate I continue to get screwed trying to stay qualified as an Amazon Affiliate. So I quit!

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Added to Calendar: 06-04-16
  1. DangerDirtyD

    DangerDirtyD iMTB Hooligan

    Chicken Nugget
    Current Bike:
    2018 Guerrilla Gravity SMASH
    Saturday at 6:00am, rendezvous at the JPL parking lot. Special K is going to make a rare appearance. At Inspiration Point, we will reevaluate how inspired we are to push on another 900' to Markham Saddle. End with either El Preito or Ken Burton.
  2. mike

    mike iMTB Hooligan

    Western US
    Mike O
    Current Bike:
    HT, FS

    Way to get after it early. Stay hydrated, brother! :thumbsup:
    DangerDirtyD likes this.

As a former Amazon Associate I continue to get screwed trying to stay qualified as an Amazon Affiliate. So I quit!

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