I Rode My Bike Today...

I have a friend who is battling cancer, when he wasn’t dealing with the f-ing cancer he’s a serious athlete and mtn lover.
This was my headspace for the whole ride today...gratitude and f#ck cancer
Stay grateful my friends ;)

Oh boy... I haven't ridden since last weekend when the OC was invaded by mountain biking royalty for the Joplin ride. I needed some pedal time and some conditioning, so I loaded up the single speed and headed to Harding for some suffering. Out of the gate, I felt pretty good. Except for a slight pain in the left ankle... I figured it would subside, but it got worse as I climbed. The bad part is that the rest of the body felt pretty good- especially for being off the bike for almost a week. I was turning a PR pace for a lot of it.

By mile 5, however, the ankle really started feeling off... I pulled the plug on the PR attempt at the 6.5 mile lookout, and had a sharp pain trying to unclip... Uh oh. This is not exactly the training regimen I envisioned for the two weeks leading up to True Grit. :eek: Bailout and head down... :thumbsdown:

Although Harding has been graded, it's in decent climbing shape. For the first 5 miles it was mostly packed down. After mile 5, it was a little chunkier. Coming down the water bars were insane. You can easily launch off them to your heart's content... moreso than was possible before the grading. Prepare to go airborn. And some of them are quite lippy. :eek:


Edit: Oops. I mentioned my three bike sightings in the bike news thread. As I was heading down the descent after mile 1, I was passed by two ebikes coming back down the mountain. They were more like beach cruisers with huge tires... The riders looked a little out of their element. Sighting #4 for the day.

Extra Credit for spotting the luge flag:

One Geared Wonder!
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12.5 miles. 2000' No water. No problem.

I rode with @Bill this morning starting from Laguna Canyon at 7:30 am. Not too chilly, but pleasantly overcast and threatening rain. When we were about to start our climb up Willow, I realized I forgot to bring my water bottle. Bill said go back. I said, I'm on a schedule and it's not hot. I'll hit the drinking fountain here now and then I will survive.

Up Willow to top of El Moro. ML/FL over to Lizard. Fun romp down Lizard, with lots of hikers on the lower section. No matter. They heard our tinkling awareness bells and were pleasantly off the side of the trail before we even saw them. Every time. And friendly. If you think thumb-actuated bells and awareness bells are similar, you are wrong.

Up Laurel Spur and over to BVD. Third time ever on that trail and I'm really enjoying it. Just a fun little singletrack back and forth at the top, then a little rock garden, some good bermed turns, some more minor chunk and a finishing huck to slightly uphill landing to test your suspension. Bill is nursing some sore ribs on his new-to-him beast of a bike. He was yearning to let it run, but was appropriately cautious for his current condition.

Up Emerald Canyon and over to T and A. Someone did some treadwork on the upper portion of T and A, and it was a little fluffy in spots. Blazed the finishing chunk-fest for an ear-to-ear grin. I'm starting to figure out the potential of the MegaPlower. :thumbsup: :cool:

I never really did get thirsty, either. One little sip of Bill's tea at the bottom of BVD and that was really all I needed. Why do I carry all that weight? Waterless for the win!

Done by about 9:45 then over to water polo.

GREAT morning with one of my fave riding pals Bill. Can't wait to see him unleash his coil sprung, plus tired, 63.5° head angle, 160mm travel beast once his ribs are healed. :thumbsup:
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Took the kiddos for a couple laps at Lake Perris. I LOVE pre-riding when all the teams and kids are out... it's one big bike party!
Firstborn needs to work on avoiding the bonk, but should do good. He moved up to JV2, so has an extra 5.5 mile lap for a total of 16.5. Unknown territory there. Will probably finish in the second half of the field, as those kids are just FAST! Middle Child is a great descender and solid everywhere else. Not sure how aggressive she'll be. I'll hesitantly say she'll finish solid mid-pack for her first race if she doesn't blow up the first lap. We did around a 33 min lap at moderate pace. So fingers crossed no crashes and no bonks tomorrow!


Uneventful solo spin around Chino Hills.

My training program for True Grit has been non existent the last several weeks. So the plan was to go out and get a long ride in with some good elevation in a place with little chance of injury. The Professor had to stay home with the youngest who wasn't racing at Perris above. @Faust29 was supposed to join me, but he ended up being a casualty of a long honey do list this week. @horsebikerider was going to join me for a little bit, but decided at the last minute to play horsey instead.....so I was on my own. I ended up tweaking my back at the end of Thursday's B* ride....but decided to Rule 5 it.

Later start than usual. In from Brush Canyon Park, it was chilly but not cold. Up Lower Aliso ....lots of big tumbleweeds in creek crossings. Decided to forego climbing Southridge and went up Telegraph Proper(3 B's). It has been years since I climbed this....still can't clean the 3rd B. Once I merged back into Southridge, I dropped down the Spur and up Southridge to San Juan Hill....that hurt. Down Southridge all the way to Diemer...was feeling ok.

Back up Telegraph the back started to tighten up. I made the call to skip climbing up Sycamore. Did see 2 older guys crawling down 1 of the small DH's on Telegraph...yes, they were on ebikes(there is nothing on Telegraph descent that even requires using your brakes). Just before 4 Corners, I chose to continue my exploration of less traveled trails at Chino Hills....which meant going up McDermot....it has a very steep section at the bottom....from there up, not bad at all. Down from Northridge back to 4 Corners.

Didn't stop, just rolled into Bovinian Delight. Quick out and back to Southridge. Same thing again, didn't stop back at 4C and just rolled into Raptor, and lead into Faultline. At the bottom, turned left on Upper Aliso....things started to get bad here. The trails are getting really overgrown....lots of stinging nettles. It was also warming up, and with that the humidity inside that overgowth was pretty bad. You can just feel it zapping your energy.

Up Sidewinder to Bane Ridge...fun DH, but lots of hikers today....I'm hoping this isn't the beginning of the the Poppy People 2020. Back up Bane Canyon to Pomona and the climb up to East Fence Line. EFL seemed a bit more torn up today than a few weeks back when i rode it. When I reached Long Way Around, dropped back down to Bane Canyon.

Back down Lower Aliso to the back of the park. Once back on the trail next to the RR tracks....head wind from hell.

Not the big ride I had laid out, but considering the conditions and how I was feeling, I still got a good ride in. I should be able to survive True Grit next weekend.

38 / 4700'