I DIDN'T Ride My Bike Today, Cuzz....

It’s hot here. I mean really hot. Was gonna get out but was gonna ride by myself. Y’all know how I feel about riding by myself.
So I din’t. I’m a failure. A loser, worthless, weak…

“Oh! Hey Honey! Glad you are back from town! You what? Bought a 12’ver of ice cold Pacifico?”

Well? It’s always Pacifico Standard Time according to MY watch!
It’s hot here. I mean really hot. Was gonna get out but was gonna ride by myself. Y’all know how I feel about riding by myself.
So I din’t. I’m a failure. A loser, worthless, weak…

“Oh! Hey Honey! Glad you are back from town! You what? Bought a 12’ver of ice cold Pacifico?”

Well? It’s always Pacifico Standard Time according to MY watch!

Two of the things that make life better:

Two of the things that make life better:
Maybe a Baconifico is in order!
Haven't ridden in a couple weeks due to a pinched nerve in my back and arm. Painful a F@ck. It's subsided but now my neck is stiff....arrhghh!

On a interesting note, my riding buddy just bought a 2025 Ibis Ripley carbon from Bike Co. Due to be delivered in a few weeks just about the time they'll reveal it. I can't find anything on it, and he doesn't have a pic.... Supposed to be all Hush Hush so figured I'd tell y'all. :speechless:

Hope i'm better in time to enjoy ride on 4th holiday and join for the inaugural Ibis ride.
Richfield, Utah to Fillmore group ride. We had 17 SxS buggies on this ride. It was around 60 miles total. The Mrs. and I peeled off early to get back to our latch key dogs left in the trailer. We have live cam and Waggle temp gages to monitor the dogs when away. This pic is around 10,000 feet with the snow in the background- which is also near the start of Spinal Tap Trail.



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Nope, didn't. Most;y because I spent the morning reloading for the .41 Magnum.

.303 British (Enfield No 4 Mk 1) is next.

This can be addicting. :whistling:

No, I'm not going to go do something untoward. It's a hobby. :rolleyes:
I have taken a screen shot of this post and forwarded it to the proper authorities. Expect a visit from SWAT tonight at 2:37am.
41 Mag. The caliber Dirty Harry really used.
I reload for all my handguns. My 45acp batch from yesterday.View attachment 94665

I don't generally drop mine in a jumble. But if it works, I won't carp about it.

I made up both target (range) and hunting rounds. Different powders, different bullet compositition, different velocities. That's the fun part.


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I don't generally drop mine in a jumble. But if it works, I won't carp about it.

I made up both target (range) and hunting rounds. Different powders, different bullet compositition, different velocities. That's the fun part.

View attachment 94666
Fun is the development of a load for a specific gun for a specific purpose, be it target, hunting, or SD.
The loads in my picture are low recoil and quite accurate, for a retired LEO friend.