Strand, I think the best (funnest riding, easiest to follow) route top-bottom is:
• Hwy 74/Pine View Drive start for more DH;!8m2!3d33.5713183!4d-116.4993176
• Follow the street to dirt, bear right onto trail signed with "Pines to Palms Trail" or similarly ambiguous language
• Stay on this trail for ~12 mi, passing various signage until at the split for Indian Potrero Trail (L) or "Mountain Bikes -->" (R) – they both end up at the same location, start of Dry Wash Rd a couple miles later
• Dry Wash Rd to huge Dunn Rd, take a left onto Dunn, short distance to Mike Dunn Desert Oasis (rusted heavy equipment and picnic tables).
• Across Dunn Rd from the Oasis is Hahn Buena Vista Trail leading up to a peak. Take that to summit and descend other side. Stay right at every opportunity as the trail flattens out and you'll end up back at Dunn Rd (a couple signs along the way confirm)
• Cross Dunn Rd to signed Catherdral Canyon Trail, take this down to a canal that runs next to a neighborhood. Go thru the opening in the canal fence and follow canal to Hwy 111, Cathedral City. Across the street is strip mall center with a huge parking lot and a Denny's (can park there).!8m2!3d33.7779033!4d-116.4566177
Once at the Oasis, bailouts are possible:
• Head down Dunn Rd to residential to Hwy 111 in Cathedral city. This point on the 111 is slightly west of the Denny's noted above
• Skip Hahn Buena Vista (a terrible shame) and head down Dunn Rd 2-3 mi to the Cathedral Canyon Trail (signed, on right), finish as above on CC Trail.