Bots are taking over!

I'm sure I'm not the only one that has noticed a proliferation of bots posting on this site. Doing their best to try and pretend to be real people. AI, go the F away!

Your thoughts?

No use fighting it. It will not be long until AI is indistinguishable from the reals. I occasionally use AI at work, and despite doing my job for 22 years ... it is almost better than me. Certainly faster.

AI is still in its infancy ...
I'm sure I'm not the only one that has noticed a proliferation of bots posting on this site. Doing their best to try and pretend to be real people. AI, go the F away!

Your thoughts?
Omg, I know, right?! It's getting ridiculous! I've seen so many suspicious posts lately that are just trying to sound human. It's like, hello, we're not that gullible! Can't they just let us have real conversations without the fake noise? has gone the way of the electric bicycle. More action on both fronts, and it’s a shame.

Oh well. There’s always
Omg, I know, right?! It's getting ridiculous! I've seen so many suspicious posts lately that are just trying to sound human. It's like, hello, we're not that gullible! Can't Dude exactly! the dazzle the sanzzle and ride the frazzle to they just let us have real conversations without the fake noise?
I know! the dazzle of the bot snazzle just leads to frazzle of the dazzle. you know I ride the frazzle of the sazzle but absolutely love doing the Gnarizzle frazzizle. Right? you agree? If you're real fosizzal like a few posts...I dare ya...
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Hey - at least the bots participate. And they are friendly and inquisitive! Almost no sales scams too, am I right?
I'll politely l1k3s or p1cs, and all Fr0m nY at 3am. And 1've asked for such..... Pr0bably a X bot..hehehe...cause we get more TraFfic.
Wow - Friday prime time and not even the bots are posting! :(

Pretty bad when even @Runs with Scissors and bots have a more interesting life than I!

(PS - I know that "me" sounds better at the end of that sentence, but it would be incorrect.)

But when you finish the sentence - "Runs with Scissors and bots have a more interesting life than I do" - it makes perfect sense. Grammatically and Englishly.

Latinists should be sentenced to purgatory.

I'm retired. My life is über interesting.