45th wedding anniversary


iMTB Hooligan
Hey Guys,if you can make it.....sorry for the cross post....


Can't think of a more loving, generous, devoted, and committed couple. These guys have been together longer than a lot of us have been alive! :D
Besides, if you make it to Inspiration Pt. the downhill options are awesome!

P.S>for Mikie-tendonitis is just weakness leaving your body...
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Aaahhh! thank you! so very much for the kind words Rossage. .We love you! XOXO hugs and kisses

P.S. Mikie wants a prenup :)
Hope some of our IMTB family can join us.
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Rossage, no cross post apology required. Imtbtrails has a healthy self image and welcome other forums "ESPECIALLY" our brothas and sistahs over at OTB!

This should actually be a MTB National Holiday.
Confirmed by the fact I've never seen rossage use so many NICE words together in a sentence!

To add, I've ridden behind Robin on the trail, Mc"G" still has some good grabbin' goin on! :oops: :o
XOXOXO to the bof of yah!

Everyone should try and make this...
MOST Awesome!
Wish I could have been there. No Bike and no right Achilles Heel prevented my participation.
Big hugs and kisses to both of you! Well . . . mostly to Robin. Mc"G" I would kiss if someone paid me . . . uh, a LOT of MONEY. I mean enough to get a new bike kinda money anyway...

...Robin, I'd kiss you for free!
Lucky Mc"G"!

Seriously now . . . CONGRATS!

I thought she might come to her senses and back out. :lol:

That is just incredible! 45 years and counting. I know neither of them could have been close to 18 when they got married, just look at them!
Congratulations you two and here is to many more years of wedded bliss. :clap:
Awesome day in the saddle-and the Re-wedding was fun too. Steve had everyone laughing at his humorous, mtb inspired, reading of the vows. Mike and Robin exchanged more humor in the form of a "post-nup agreement". You had to be there but just to let you in on a secret...Robin holds the remote! Poor Mikie! :D :D :D :D :D
Finished the day with 19 miles and 4000 ft climbing. My riding highlight was following Steve down Middle Merril and Sunset while he was pulling a bob trailer-Awesome!!!!! :D
Congrats you two! You guys look FANTASTIC! Love can do that. I had a prior tilling commitment on some trail. Wish I could have been there, looks like I missed alot of fun!
Beautiful... 45 years together is amazing. I think the others are right, though... Were you guys married in kindergarten?

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Awesome ! Must be the cookies!
I thought my 33 years was good!
Here is to many more.
Love the Mrs. Mc G outfit, cute!
Sorry I missed it.