Recent content by -ROCKY-

  1. -ROCKY-

    Hello There?!

    I hate change
  2. -ROCKY-

    Operating System Upgrade - Site May be Down for 30+ Minutes

    Where am I supposed to lurk during this time??
  3. -ROCKY-

    So you moved?..... How's that going?

    So sad to hear about Albuquerque. I'm contemplating a move very near there. Even before here I had heard it was very bad with crime. Somehow I will find a nice piece of land out there and hold it down.
  4. -ROCKY-

    Convertible couch

    Meh, nothing to lose putting in on CL.
  5. -ROCKY-

    Happy Birthday Voo Doo Tom

    Happy birthday Voodoo!!!
  6. -ROCKY-

    Happy & safe 4th of July IMTB family

    Yes!!! Thanks Herz!! Happy 4th of July from me also!!! Be safe out there!! I always feel like a cheapskate today because I refuse to spend money on fireworks :confused:... Maybe this will be the year?
  7. -ROCKY-

    Noob riders in the way

    Welcome Migolito! Could absolutely be me slowing these guys down too lol. I've been a noob for years! :gag: Feel like I still have a few years as a noob too lol. 47 years old here, awesome group here! Again welcome! :thumbsup:
  8. -ROCKY-

    You've got to be f-ing kidding me...detached retina

    *sigh* sorry to hear Herz! Healing vibes sent :) My mom is going through this. Making me question the white flashes I'm seeing out of my right eye :unsure:
  9. -ROCKY-

    Curious question about shoe choice Flat or not?

    Well, if the Specialized shoes are tight, I guess I'll try Freerides next.
  10. -ROCKY-

    I ride e-bike and I cannot lie

    You ride an e bike and cannot lie, You can't do it physically, that you cannot deny. When there's an epic climb, and the trail gets steep, That big battery pushing up your butt, you like to take it deep. You think poaching trails sounds cool? You sound like a little kid with a new toy, are you...
  11. -ROCKY-

    I ride e-bike and I cannot lie

    Good for you...yo
  12. -ROCKY-

    Wildlife encounters

    Lol, that cat has been busy!
  13. -ROCKY-

    Curious question about shoe choice Flat or not?

    Aw man! Really? Oh well I guess I'll cross my fingers and hope for the best, I already ordered them. Maybe have to return them, I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I didn't go up a size :gotnothing: Thanks for the heads up sir!
  14. -ROCKY-

    I DIDN'T Ride My Bike Today, Cuzz....

    I haven't ridden either. Have had a couple opportunities but stuff just comes up like today. Maybe drag my bike out tonight after work, even if it's just around the block. Been wanting to hit the F loop. I'm off tomorrow, just not looking forward to being on trails full of hikers.
  15. -ROCKY-

    Curious question about shoe choice Flat or not?

    Specialized 2FO DH