Recent content by -ROCKY-

  1. -ROCKY-

    GT Pro Series Heritage 24" BMX Freestyle Bike

    I'll take it!
  2. -ROCKY-

    One of the locals

    Yeah. I would say he even dressed nice for the picture.
  3. -ROCKY-

    Happy Birthday Obsidian

    Happy Birthday!!!!
  4. -ROCKY-

    The Kona Sutra too....

    Nice! Was at Knott and La Palma for about 10 years.
  5. -ROCKY-

    The Kona Sutra too....

    Glws! Rynerson Park? Are you in my neck of the woods? I'm in Lakewood, by the mall.
  6. -ROCKY-

    members online.

    Byte life!!
  7. -ROCKY-

    Hello There?!

    I hate change
  8. -ROCKY-

    Operating System Upgrade - Site May be Down for 30+ Minutes

    Where am I supposed to lurk during this time??
  9. -ROCKY-

    So you moved?..... How's that going?

    So sad to hear about Albuquerque. I'm contemplating a move very near there. Even before here I had heard it was very bad with crime. Somehow I will find a nice piece of land out there and hold it down.
  10. -ROCKY-

    Convertible couch

    Meh, nothing to lose putting in on CL.
  11. -ROCKY-

    Happy Birthday Voo Doo Tom

    Happy birthday Voodoo!!!
  12. -ROCKY-

    Happy & safe 4th of July IMTB family

    Yes!!! Thanks Herz!! Happy 4th of July from me also!!! Be safe out there!! I always feel like a cheapskate today because I refuse to spend money on fireworks :confused:... Maybe this will be the year?
  13. -ROCKY-

    Noob riders in the way

    Welcome Migolito! Could absolutely be me slowing these guys down too lol. I've been a noob for years! :gag: Feel like I still have a few years as a noob too lol. 47 years old here, awesome group here! Again welcome! :thumbsup:
  14. -ROCKY-

    You've got to be f-ing kidding me...detached retina

    *sigh* sorry to hear Herz! Healing vibes sent :) My mom is going through this. Making me question the white flashes I'm seeing out of my right eye :unsure: