Recent content by ndocpjf

  1. ndocpjf

    Smith Attack Mag

    Care to share the link?
  2. ndocpjf

    Coronavirus. Not to be confused with Norcovirus.

    We actually do have a few hepatitis vaccines (Hep A and B). Part of the issue with developing an AIDS vaccine is that it mutates very rapidly, and developing a vaccine to target one strain will quickly be ineffective against other strains. Last, for herpes, most of the population actually has...
  3. ndocpjf

    Coronavirus. Not to be confused with Norcovirus.

    Correct! And then depending on the combination of +/- IgM/IgG antibodies and PCR (marker of infection), they can predict the state of infection.
  4. ndocpjf

    Coronavirus. Not to be confused with Norcovirus.

    It's in reference to the two types of antibody isotopes that form during the immune response. IgM are the "short term" antibodies that form in response to initial infection and IgG are the antibodies that develop later and provide "long term" immunity.
  5. ndocpjf

    Good thing they didn't say BIKING trails...;)

    I know they closed the parking lots and such but an Instagram/Facebook post from today stated they were increasing measures to close trails. The trailhead/parking lot on Kanan was open like normal. No signs to suggest otherwise and there were probably 6-7 other cars in the lot.
  6. ndocpjf

    Good thing they didn't say BIKING trails...;)

    Looks like the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area might have just closed all trails starting today too. At least I had a chance to ride a couple of backbone sections today...
  7. ndocpjf

    Good thing they didn't say BIKING trails...;)

    Looks like buggravy is correct. This is what one of the trailheads leading into the Millennium loop looked like. Dirt Mulholland is open from end to end and when I rode by it looked like so were the Temescal and Sullivan Fireroads. West Mandeville, on the other hand, is a no-go.
  8. ndocpjf

    Good thing they didn't say BIKING trails...;)

    I plan on doing some exploring in the area later this afternoon so I'll see if I can update with some pics.
  9. ndocpjf

    Dead Cow closed by NPS

    Despite the fact that ‘bones’ has been an established trail since I can remember I think it’s also technically ‘illegal’.
  10. ndocpjf

    Dead Cow closed by NPS

    Interestingly enough, Suicide is marked as a trail on the NPS map of Cheeseboro.
  11. ndocpjf

    Dead Cow closed by NPS

    'Back door' and 'Bones' have both been shut down by NPS. There are signs at the top and bottom of both trails that mention this. When I rode Dead Cow last weekend, it was open to the public. My guess is that buggravy is correct and the trail referenced in the article is most likely 'bones' and...
  12. ndocpjf

    In Other News

    Whoah that's crazy. I knew from the description it's right near the bark park but I didn't realize it was that close. I'm pretty sure that pic that Evdog posted a few weeks ago from New Millennium (the one with the tree at the switchback) is just about where the crash happened.
  13. ndocpjf

    IMTB Rides the Cheese

    I tried it out about two months ago. It was pretty much loose dirt and some landscaping flags to mark out the trail. Not too exciting but I can see the vision and there are some fun steep chute/roller features.
  14. ndocpjf

    Etiquette question

    I almost always come back down Cheeseboro Canyon but yes a lot of people like to take Cheeseboro up and then Palo/Sheep Corral down.
  15. ndocpjf

    Etiquette question

    I'd say you're in the clear. I know that section well and most people going up don't have a problem with others coming down because they're trying to rest from the short punchy climbs right before/size up the line. It seems like you stopped to check it out before blasting down so all good in my...